Built For Success In Network Marketing

In my opinion everyone should invest in a network marketing business because it's one of only industries where you can earn residual income. With that being said, network marketing is unlike any other industry and some people who get into don't understand how it works.

If you are working in corporate America you can pretty much garner a check while doing the bare minimum of work as long as you stay under the radar.

If you are given more responsibility, whether you want it or not, you have to rise to the occasion no matter how uncomfortable that new responsibility is, otherwise you don't get paid.

The caveat in MLM is that people quit as soon as it gets too hot or when they meet with the slightest resistance within or outside of themselves. You see, there's no substantial risk in quitting an MLM business like there is with a 9 to 5.

The cost is relatively low with an entry fee of anywhere from fifty bucks to a thousand dollars, which is chump changes in comparison to your traditional business model which can run you hundreds of thousands of dollars to start it up and keep it running.

However the truth of the matter is, in order to be successful you are going to have to do things that are out of your comfort zone.

Since you're not getting a regular paycheck like an employee, it is the norm to see many people give up on their dreams of owning a business and run the other way. They therefore fail before they even get started.

This is the main reason for the 97% failure rate.

They are not willing to grow into their success.

Switching gears...

If you're looking to try your luck in this industry you have to let go of all preconceived ideas and be willing to learn and grow into your success.

So what does it take to be successful in the network marketing industry?

What sect or group of people would make the best network marketers and the least likely to run off at the slightest opposition.

In This article I'm going to explore the most target groups by network marketing prospectors and see how they measure up.

There are some groups of people who naturally excel in this business without experiencing as much of that "growth period" I've been talking about, but it is rare.

They seem to have certain skill sets that coincide with the MLM business model which makes it easy for them to make that transition from employee to business owner.

The Sales man


The sales man is really good at persuasion. He/she has the ability to create belief within them selves for any product they are promoting at any given moment. They are natural geniuses when it comes to being able to transfer the energy of that belief to whomever they will.

This is essential in getting people to see your vision and ultimately buy in to what you're selling. My husband is really good at this; he was born with this talent. I on the other hand, had to learn and grow into this skill and I'm still working on that.


The problem that some sales people come up against in the network marketing industry is that they can come off as pushy or too "salesy", (think used car salesman) and this approach cannot survive in the network marketing world. Network marketing is a social phenomenon.

You're working to build relationships and trust and then share what it is that you have that may solve their problem or satisfy their particular need.

Most sales people, depending on the industry of course, are about getting in and getting out. Getting that sale and moving on to the next one.

Now don't get me wrong, there are many successful ex- salesmen who have very successful MLM businesses, but I believe that many of them will agree that they had to learn how to be more patient while changing their approach.

Another aspect of network marketing is team building. You're goal is to build on organization by teaching and training other people on how to build their businesses.

Most sales people are a one man show, so this is something they are going to have to learn and take the time to cultivate. In this industry, you cannot be successful unless your team is successful.